PRB Maturity & XRD
The maturity and XRD dataset contains measurements from 3529 samples from 263 locations. The data are from a variety of laboratories and span several decades of analytical work. The geochemistry team that compiled this data set recorded the lab and instrument that did the work (where available). Furthermore, the team reviewed each data point and annotated inconsistencies between data of different vintages or labs in the same well. Where an possible, an opinion on the most reliable values are also annotated.
Maturity Grids
To create the grids, we dropped erroneous data from the set and we krigged average values by source rock formation. The kriging methodology accounts for irregular spatial distribution and individual grids were edited for data quality and basin history.
Grid Colors by Kerogen Kinetics
We symbolized the grids based on generation rate and kerogen kinetic differences in disparate formations. The same color bar is used across data sets to represent similar percent conversion at differing maturity values.
Data Tables
The maturity and XRD data tables contain sample provanance information such as sample type (core vs cuttings) analytical instrument (Rock-Eval, SRA, HAWK, LECO, etc.) and laboratory. With this information, a better interpretation can be made where multiple data vintages are present.